My car got flooded

Flooded Car

Thumbnail slightly related! About 10 days ago everyone was talking about the Rainpocalypse – a storm the meteorologists had predicted to be particularly nasty. While it didn’t exactly have the death toll everyone was expecting, it did rain hard and rained a lot. A few different areas around the Bay got flooded pretty bad. For example:

280 near San Francisco:


This urban ex spot I reviewed, in the east bay:


Even the roof of a Safeway in San Jose collapsed under the water:


But the greatest tradgedy so far has been my car. Okay, it’s still running but it got flooded pretty bad. I’m not 100% sure where it happened, but I can think of two things. First, the intersection of Mathilda and Central Expressway is on my way to work. I was cruising down Central doing 50, when all off a sudden brake lights every where and everyone merging left. When I got to the merge I realized why. Cars were driving as close to the shoulder as possible to avoid the massive flood and even then it was still deep. When I drove through this epic puddle I noticed my wheels lose traction, but I made it through. Perhaps it was deep enough to flood my car – but I didn’t notice anything at the moment or even later that day.

A few days later I started noticing a funky smell in my car, and still didn’t really notice the water. About a week after the epic storm, I finally noticed a nasty brown puddle in the foot-well for my rear passenger seat. The more I inspected, the more I noticed how deeply flooded my back foot wells were:

My flooded back seats… ew. No wonder my car stank.


But since it took my so long to notice the puddles, I have another theory…

About a year ago I realized my trunk doesn’t have a good seal. I’m not sure where water gets in but some how it does. Last winter I noticed that everything in my trunk would get super damp over night. Well I haven’t been using my trunk recently, but tonight I decided to clean it out. Oh boy… I found black mold everywhere:



… and pretty much everything in the trunk was ruined. Magazines had dissolved into blobs of pulp and ink, and absolutey everything was sopping wet like it just came out of a pool. Speaking of pools… I ripped my trunk liner out so I could bleach the mold to hell, and I found a pool in my trunk:



At the “deep end”, it was probably 3 inches. I suspect that my trunk has been collecting rain for the past 2 weeks while at work. I have to drive down a pretty steep hill to get to my parking lot, so I bet it overflows into my back seats. I was wondering why my back seats were soggy, in addition to the foot-well puddles.

I maneuvered over a sewer and let my car take a piss:

December 22, 2014 at 12:46 pm | Video


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