TI-89 Classic

TI-89 Blender Render

When I first got my Texas Instruments TI-89 I fell in love with the device. Of course, this was years ago before smartphones or tablets. Sure, PalmOS existed back then, but there was something special about the TI graphing calculators. For one, they had a full keyboard on them (though, not QWERTY) and they had a built in programming language with a full API for all the calculators functions. Even though Palm and Windows CE existed, trying to do anything like that on a touch screen would be ridiculous.

You may have noticed I loved my 89 from my various(1), posts(2), about, it(3). There was something charming about them… Anyway I’ve rambled on too much.

I dusted off my TI-89 and reminisced about the glory days. While I couldn’t think of any role it could play in my modern life, I did decide to keep it around on my desk so I could model it. All modeling and rendering was done in Blender. I present to you my latest hard-surface modeling job, a TI-89.

Although the spin render shows the TI-89 with it’s jacket on, I rendered the back of the calculator naked as well:

Both Backs

And some more pics for you:

Angle Render Front View Nice Front

December 15, 2014 at 6:08 am | 3D Modeling, Video


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