Brooklyn Walk 2

Brooklyn Graff Walk 2

After settling in for a couple weeks I was feeling the itch to go out and flick some graffiti. Living in Brooklyn, there’s a whole new world of spots and yards to explore and I was eager to get started. I stepped out of my house and started walking, flicking as I went. I found lots of Zamar doodles around. Zamar is an artist from the Bay Area that draws a squid, and completely CRUSHED San Francisco. I was surprised to find a high density of Zamar here in Brooklyn, right outside my house. Notable spots on this adventure include an abandoned lot, a legal parking lot, and a roof top. I had previously flicked a Swampy from the subway platform on my first Brooklyn walk. Now I actually found how to get on the roof where he resides and flick it up close. Randomly I also found a Que slap!

November 27, 2015 at 9:30 pm | Graffiti Yards


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