Stuff I Make:
I Explore:
Other Junk:
![]() Last weekend I finally got into my first ‘real’ spot in NYC: an Abandoned subway station! It felt good to finally do some real exploring. The spot was tricky to get to – I had to climb a fence, and descend a slippery hill (loose leafs) that was covered in hobo-trash. At the bottom are several rows of train tracks. Unlike the train tracks I’m used to, NYC tracks often have a third-rail, which is insta-death if you touch it. I decided not to walk on the tracks, and that was for the better – two trains flew by soon after. I found my way by following the hill, and eventually I found the sealed up entrance. The subway tunnels that led to the station seemed to have been blocked off, but both platforms were there. At one point I found a creepy hole in the ground, and I peaked in. It seemed to go somewhere so I lowered myself in. At one point someone had been camping out under the foundation of the train station. There were stalactites everywhere, some up to 1.5 feet. On the surface again, I headed towards a giant wall that ran for a mile or more and was crushed with local graff. I followed and flicked all along the way. Eventually I got to some train cars – the first was a generic boxcar, and it was mostly empty inside. The second was something I had never seen before. It was like a RV/Trailer home on a train car platform. After climbing inside, I discovered it had two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. The place was trashed and INCREDIBLY spooky. The area it was parked was under a freeway, so lots of vibrations in the ground caused every wall and every inch of the place to creek and squeak. It didn’t help that the wind was up too, so even more rattling. I can’t really express how creepy the sounds were, and of course it didn’t help that everything was pitch black except where the flashlight was pointing. I kept following the graffiti wall until the graffiti dried up and it looked like I might be entering an active site. November 27, 2015 at 9:39 pm | Graffiti Yards, Urban Ex |