» east bay
East Bay Creeks

East Bay Tunnels

While on the hunt for a specific spot we had a giant list of unchecked east bay creeks to work through. Here are some highlights of mixed creeks.  


Snort 3D Print!

I’m really enjoying making my favorite bay area graffiti characters in 3d  and printing them out, so here’s the next in the series: snort! When I posted this one on instagram I tagged the original artist, snortydeegs, with the picture. … Continue reading

Me on the cover of the East Bay Express

I’m on the cover of the EBX!

A little while back my exploring buddy was interviewed for an article about urban exploration and graffiti hunting. The reporter chose a picture of me for the front page of the East Bay Express! I’m also mentioned a few times … Continue reading

Misc Creeks

Misc Creeks

None of these creeks were really special enough to warrant a post of their own, but they are very close geographically.

East Bay Tunnel

East Bay Tunnel

We found the point-of-entry for this dark damp tunnel on a previous adventure and decided we needed to do it one day. After psyching ourselves up for what doom may lay in this underground tunnel, we proceeded in. This was … Continue reading

East Bay Mini Creek

East Bay Mini Creek

We spotted this graffiti coated concrete creek from satellite view, and decided to check it out.

Oakland Hall of Fame

Oakland Hall of Fame (Dream Tribute)

This public storage company commissioned the Bay Area’s finest to grace their walls with the “Oakland Hall of Fame.” The overall theme was a tribute to the legendary Bay Area writer, Dream, who passed away. RIP. Some stunning work here.

East Bay Bridge

East Bay Bridge

This was a quick stop on the way home from some other adventure. It was a bridge tucked away in an east bay nature trail. It had some of my favorite graffiti artists, such as Plantrees and Snort.

© Greg Miller, 2009-2025