» oakland

Snort 3D Print!

I’m really enjoying making my favorite bay area graffiti characters in 3d  and printing them out, so here’s the next in the series: snort! When I posted this one on instagram I tagged the original artist, snortydeegs, with the picture. … Continue reading

West Oakland Sign

West Oakland Sign

This mini yard has become somewhat infamous due to it’s West Oakland sign painted by the popular artist GATS. Thought there’s not much to see, I had to make the pilgrimage and capture this mini yard.

Alemany Dream Tribute

Alemany Dream Tribute

Earlier in the year, I had visited the Oakland Halls of Fame, which was a tribute to the late Bay Area graffiti writer, Dream. This is another of such tribute on Alemany in San Francisco. I first discovered this spot … Continue reading

Oakland Hall of Fame

Oakland Hall of Fame (Dream Tribute)

This public storage company commissioned the Bay Area’s finest to grace their walls with the “Oakland Hall of Fame.” The overall theme was a tribute to the legendary Bay Area writer, Dream, who passed away. RIP. Some stunning work here.

© Greg Miller, 2009-2024