» trains
The Last Yard on the Tracks?

Last Yard on the Tracks?

I have ridden the train by this yard many times in the past. It’s always looked pretty decent, and after shooting it at less than 50MPH, I can say that it was decent. While exploring this area my buddy and … Continue reading

Paint, Trains and Automobiles

Paint, Trains, and Automobiles

This train bridge passes over a very busy bay area freeway. I had driven under it a million times, occasionally wondering what was up there. Surprised it took me so long..

Tracks by Home

Tracks by Home

There’s a short stretch of train tracks that run past my house. When I drive over them, they never looked particularly interesting, but they had to be done. I was shocked at what I found lurking near by – I … Continue reading

Girafa Bone Tracks

Girafa Bone Tracks

We discovered this stretch of tracks as we were following a lead to a classic Girafa Neck-bone piece.

Car Carrier Yard

Car Carrier Yard

This train yard seemed to specialize in car carrying cargo trains. We explored the yard itself and the nearby surrounding tracks. We found a couple of Girafas, including one we didn’t even know existed!

Caltrain Yard

Caltrain Yard

This yard is visible from the Caltrain tracks, lurking in the shade from the streets passing above.



This dilapidated structure was once a busy round house for Bay Area trains. It now has become an art gallery of sorts.

East Bay Tracks 2

East Bay Tracks #2

Another stretch of train tracks tucked away in the East Bay.

East Bay Tracks 1

East Bay Tracks #1

This stretch of East Bay train tracks started out pretty whack. Luckily towards the end, the graffiti ramped up and included several epic pieces, including 3 separate pieces from one of my favorite writers: Maska.

Graffiti Train Yard

Graffiti Train Yard

We saw these decorated trains off in the distance, whilst on another adventure. We decided to check it out, and it was worth it.

© Greg Miller, 2009-2025