» warehouse
Screaming Cage

Screaming Cage

This was a gigantic warehouse – basically two in one. In was comprised of two separate buildings, joined with a large gate connecting them. In the middle was a creepy cage – see the thumbnail and pics below. While exploring … Continue reading

Smells House, 1886

Smells House, 1886

This warehouse was built in 1886 – that’s, like, 100 years before I was born. Interestingly, the construction was made primarily out of wood. In place of steel i-beams there were wooden support beams. It’s pretty creepy to think that this … Continue reading

CCTV Urinal Warehouse

CCTV Urinal

I’m not sure if this warehouse is actually abandoned. It’s really neat and clean inside. I decided to poke my head in through a hole and saw a sweet CCTV door and a urinal with a CCTV face draw on. … Continue reading

Lush Warehouse

Lush Warehouse

Not to be confused with the writer named Lush, this warehouse is literally Lush with overgrowth and art. It’s uncommon to see a warehouse with a dirt floor, so this makes an interesting subject.

Burning Man Warehouse

Burning Man’s Storage

Apparently this graffiti yard is where Burning man stores it’s sculptures the rest of the year. You can’t go in this warehouse, but that’s alright because the best work is all outside. While we were there, we also visited a … Continue reading

Uter's House

Uter’s House

This warehouse was mostly bare, unlike the Liquidators Jungle. However, it had a small office complex with a large Uter featured out front. I find it hard to believe this place isn’t completely coated.

Liquidators Jungle

Liquidators Jungle

What happens when a large furniture retailer goes belly up? You end up with a gigantic warehouse still completely stocked. This place was a jungle inside, with a maze of furniture, broken glass, and of course, black mold. Good thing … Continue reading

The Tag Cathedral

Tag Cathedral

This abandoned Bay Area warehouse has been dubbed the “Tag Cathedral,” by locals. It features wall-to-wall graffiti that spans several years, making this quite a reputable yard. We had been wanting to find this place for a awhile so it … Continue reading

Misc Industrial

Misc Industrial

Near the Cranes, there was a bunch of miscellaneous industrial buildings. Obviously we had to check it out. We actually found a surprising piece by one of our favorite artists – GATS – hidden out there on a rusty old … Continue reading

Gats Warehouse

Gats Warehouse

I heard about a warehouse with a well known graffiti artist on the outside, named GATS. We were in the area, so we swung by. We weren’t able to get inside this trip, (although we did in a latter trip), … Continue reading

The Factory

The Factory

For some reason, when we saw this building at a distance we dubbed it “The Factory,” though it really is more of a warehouse. At any rate, the building has a wonderful industrial design / feeling, and a handful of … Continue reading

Crawl In Warehouse

Crawl-In Warehouse

This warehouse was vast, but mostly empty inside. We had to toss our back pack in and crawl under a narrow gap to get inside, but it wasn’t too difficult. Inside there wasn’t much graffiti, but the peices that were … Continue reading

© Greg Miller, 2009-2025