
GTMT MiniGolf

During lunch break at high school, the computer lab filled with all the geeks that weren’t out chattin’-it-up in the courtyard. The popular game to play was Jippii Minigolf. We would play on the or servers, and several tournaments would be played simultaneously. It was a very addicting game.

The Concept
I had finished learning C++ from all my TI-89 Graphic Calculator projects, and I wanted to make something for the PC. I saw how popular this game was, so I decided to try my hand at OpenGL graphics and recreate Jippii Minigolf, in 3d!

The Project
Being that it was my first windows C++ / OpenGL program, made in highschool, it actually came out really well. But by any and all standards it’s an unfinished, demo. I am very sad that I lost a much more complete version compiled on my lap top. I thought I had a back up, but it was erased during a reformat. This is the only version that is still around, and I have no intention of trying to redo the code =/. Note that the weather has no effect on game play.

On a side note: I didn’t sync the gameplay with the system clock, instead I timed everything around how it executed on my local maching. D’oh. So if you have a high end machine, this game will run too fast for you. But that’s okay, its not really worth playing, since its incomplete.


Download will be available soon!

November 22, 2012 at 1:46 am | Code Projects


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