Sheet Metal Sculpture

Sheet Metal Sculpture

This project was assigned for my 3D Concepts class. We were given a square piece of sheet metal, and told we were able to make 1 cut and 2 or 3 bends per remaining fragment. We were also allowed to paint it with up to two colors of our choice. When we were finished we would rivet the two halves together.

The Concept
I decided to make a cruvy cut into two disproportionate slices. I then decided to go as curvy as possible and rivet it dead center so it would be able to stand. I chose two complementary colors from my favorite corner of the rainbow.

The Project
I’m very happy about the color choice and their surface area in the final project. However I think it only has few goods viewing angles. If I were to re-make this, I would probably change the initial slice, so the two halves might be viewable from a wider range of angles.

November 22, 2012 at 12:22 am | Art


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