Wire N64 Controller

Wireframe N64 Controller
This was the first project for my Art 13, 3d Concepts class. The goal was to introduce the fundamentals of 3d space and 3d contours. each wire was only allowed to be a contour, that is it couldn’t ever cross to the ‘inside’ of the object, it must follow the surface only. The professor warned not to do something complex, specifically a video game controller. But to me that doesn’t sound like a warning… more like a challenge! I chose an N64 controller.

The Project
The reason all the buttons aren’t there is because I didn’t run a contour line to them. I would have had to run some very nasty, complicated wires just to be able to include them and it would muck up the over all feel of the project. Some day I’ll probably add the buttons but not observing the professors rule “Contoured Edges Only.” Overall this was assembled in about 4 days with lots of tedious twisting.

November 22, 2012 at 1:26 am | Art


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